April 27, 2018June 13, 201880 day obsession, beachbody, challenge groups, coaching, fitness, program reviews, weigh loss 80 Day Obsession results, weight loss, and before & after pics 80 Day Obsession was not a program I expected to lose a ton of weight on. Not because it’s not possible, quite […]
February 11, 2017June 13, 201821 day fix, 21 day fix extreme, ab challenge, beachbody, challenge, challenge groups, exercise, fitness, nutrition, shakeology, workouts 7 Day Ab Challenge! Hi everyone! This is a compilation of an ab challenge group I ran on Facebook. I wanted to share the videos here […]
August 20, 2016beachbody, beachbody coaching, career, certification, coach, fitness, fulfillment, health, inspiration, job, life coach, life coaching, life purpose, money, motivation, nutrition, purpose, work Finding fulfillment: my 4 year coach anniversary I can’t believe it’s been 4 years since I signed up to be a coach! I have honestly never been happier or […]
August 9, 2016beachbody, beachbody coaching, career, challenge groups, coach, coaching, dreams, fitness, health, job, life purpose, purpose Around this time 4 years ago… Around this time 4 years ago, I was losing motivation at my gym. My favorite instructor had moved, I was finding myself […]
August 1, 2016accountability, autumn calabrese, beachbody, country heat, exercise, fitness, nutrition, program reviews, programs, weight loss, workouts Country Heat Day 1 Can you relate to this? The past couple months, I’ve been feeling like I just can’t get ahead. I’ve been fairly consistent […]
July 9, 2016accountability, beachbody, business, challenge groups, coaching, exercise, facebook, fitness, health, healthy eating, inspiration, motivation, nutrition, online, social media, support, tips, workouts What I love about our Health & Fitness Online Challenge Groups The online challenge groups that our team runs are honestly SO much more to me than just health and fitness. I LOVE […]
May 24, 2016beachbody, career, certification, coach, fitness, health, job, life coach, life purpose, money, nutrition, purpose, success, training, wellness, work 2 Year Full-Time Beachbody Coach Anniversary- THANK YOU!!! I thought about taking some kind of crazy fitness pic for this post but I decided to go with a pic of […]
May 13, 2016beachbody, change, clean eating, coaching, confidence, diet, eating, exercise, fitness, health, healthy eating, inspiration, life coaching, motivation, nutrition, purpose, shakeology, support, workout Leave space for the possibility that you may someday feel differently I had a discussion with a friend last night who’s making some AWESOME healthy changes in her life. The one thing she […]
May 8, 2016accountability, beachbody, challenge group, coach, confidence, diet, exercise, facebook, fitness, health, inspiration, life coach, lose weight, motivation, nutrition, social media, support, team, training, workout This is what a challenge group feels like! I have a lot of people that still ask me what challenge groups are all about and what we actually do in […]
May 7, 2016beachbody, biggest loser, body image, change, coach, confidence, diets, exercise, goals, health, inspiration, life purpose, motivation, nutrition, self care, self-love, stress, team, weight loss, workout Be one of the brave ones The Biggest Loser article has sparked a lot of conversation on drastic weight loss and the after-effects of that. In my almost […]