March 24, 2018June 13, 2018empowerment, exercise, fitness, gym, health, travel, workout at home, workouts, you do you YOU DO YOU! This week of hotel workouts served as a great reminder of the meaning of the common phrase, “You do you.” After taking […]
March 4, 2017June 13, 2018appreciation, belief, believing in yourself, challenge groups, coach, exercise, fitness, gratitude, health, support, support system, tips, workouts It’s never easy, but it IS possible! A common misconception is that these workouts are easy for us coaches. Let me tell you, they never get easy- nor should […]
February 11, 2017June 13, 201821 day fix, 21 day fix extreme, ab challenge, beachbody, challenge, challenge groups, exercise, fitness, nutrition, shakeology, workouts 7 Day Ab Challenge! Hi everyone! This is a compilation of an ab challenge group I ran on Facebook. I wanted to share the videos here […]
December 29, 2016challenge groups, encouragement, exercise, fitness, friendships, health, healthy lifestyle, healthy living, love, relationships, support Happy Heart, Healthy Life! Today I was listening to a youtube video that Nikki Phillippi posted of her interview with Katrina and Karena from Tone It […]
December 6, 2016cooking, exercise, family, fitness, friends, grocery shopping, healthy cooking, healthy eating, healthy friends, healthy tips, nutrition, support, support system, travel, traveling, workouts Healthy traveling tips and healthy friends! This past week I went to Las Vegas for a business conference with my incredible team of Beachbody coaches. We all stayed […]
August 1, 2016accountability, autumn calabrese, beachbody, country heat, exercise, fitness, nutrition, program reviews, programs, weight loss, workouts Country Heat Day 1 Can you relate to this? The past couple months, I’ve been feeling like I just can’t get ahead. I’ve been fairly consistent […]
July 11, 2016accountability, anxiety, body image, clean eating, confidence, exercise, fitness, health, inspiration, lose weight, motivation, nutrition, pressure, self confidence, stress, support, weight, workout A reminder about course-correction and not being able to do it ALL I posted these 2 pictures on social media recently. The picture from the Ab Challenge post (left) was from about a year […]
July 9, 2016accountability, beachbody, business, challenge groups, coaching, exercise, facebook, fitness, health, healthy eating, inspiration, motivation, nutrition, online, social media, support, tips, workouts What I love about our Health & Fitness Online Challenge Groups The online challenge groups that our team runs are honestly SO much more to me than just health and fitness. I LOVE […]
May 13, 2016beachbody, change, clean eating, coaching, confidence, diet, eating, exercise, fitness, health, healthy eating, inspiration, life coaching, motivation, nutrition, purpose, shakeology, support, workout Leave space for the possibility that you may someday feel differently I had a discussion with a friend last night who’s making some AWESOME healthy changes in her life. The one thing she […]
May 8, 2016accountability, beachbody, challenge group, coach, confidence, diet, exercise, facebook, fitness, health, inspiration, life coach, lose weight, motivation, nutrition, social media, support, team, training, workout This is what a challenge group feels like! I have a lot of people that still ask me what challenge groups are all about and what we actually do in […]